How to Order from Bigsurf

We’ve made ordering easy…

Bigsurf is run by real people(!), who all love their watersports, and we are here to help!  Our team includes everybody from professional watersports athletes, web developers, engineers and accounting gurus, so rest assured you will be well looked after.

Our website is updated every day, be it with trendy new products that have arrived into the shop, or maybe a regular security system update. Do visit often to see our updates. And if you’re on social media, do please check our feeds too…we post updates daily.

We regularly have customers who have never ordered online before. YOU are very WELCOME! And don’t worry…it’s easy, safe, and we are here to help if anything goes wrong.

Heres how to order…

  1. Find your products. If you can’t find what you need from the menus, do try the search bar on the home page….simply type in what you’re looking for, and press enter. After a few moments, if we have it, it’ll pop up!

  2. For each product you would like, click “Add to Cart”…this literally adds the item(s) to your shopping cart.

  3. You can add more products by clicking on Bigsurf at the top of screen, and searching for your next product in the same way.

  4. When you are finished shopping, click on the Shopping Cart icon, which is located in the top right hand side of screen. There you can review your selected products. You can still easily change details like quantity, or even remove products.

  5. When happy with your items in the shopping cart, click “Checkout”.

  6. The “Checkout” screen involves 4 simple steps. Here we need your email address, your shipping detail, and your card payment detail. The 4th step is where you click to pay. Add your details at each step and click “Continue”. After reviewing your order detail in step 4, click “Purchase”. Then you’re done!

What happens then…

When you click “Purchase”, we receive your order right away!  Sit back while we get to work!

If a delay is expected, or we need to query any item on your order, we’ll let you know asap by email.

Don’t worry if you make a mistake with your online transaction…it happens…and its no problem. Please email us at:  We’ll sort it for you in a jiffy…

Now to put that into practice…

To start finding your equipment and to place your order, please click HERE. Have fun!