Northcore The Bolt, Longboard, US-Box
This is the Northcore The Bolt, an adjustable longboard thumbscrew and plate is the perfect fin bolt that every longboard rider needs.
They make removing and adjusting longboard or single fins simple, with no need for a screwdriver!
This is the Northcore The Bolt, an adjustable longboard thumbscrew and plate is the perfect fin bolt that every longboard rider needs.
They make removing and adjusting longboard or single fins simple, with no need for a screwdriver!
This is the Northcore The Bolt, an adjustable longboard thumbscrew and plate is the perfect fin bolt that every longboard rider needs.
They make removing and adjusting longboard or single fins simple, with no need for a screwdriver!
This is the Northcore The Bolt which lets you install your US-Box longboard fin by hand! need for a screwdriver!
This Northcore The Bolt is an adjustable longboard thumbscrew and plate that is the perfect fin bolt that every longboard rider needs.
No more need for a screwdriver when getting your US-Box fin ready for action on the water.
The bolt is constructed from stainless steel, so provides full strength and there is no corrosion to worry about either.
Makes removing and adjusting longboard or single fins simple
No need for screwdrivers
Stainless steel construction